> Tested with v16R4. Unfortunately this does not work nicely.

No idea who thought this one up, but it wasn't me. I've seen and heard
plenty of 4D developers who keep a table with fields of various lengths. In
your case, an alpha 255 and a text field. Then, you use that field on your
form and 4D automatically controls the maximum length for you with zero
coding. For that matter, you could test what the object is, find it's a
field, get it's type and length. I think.

The idea is not that you save the field data - the table ends up with zero
records. It's just using a field as a temporary container instead of using
a variable as a temporary container.

Maybe that's enough for you if all you're needing to distinguish is 255 and
text? It obviously does not automatically trim your text fields at 4,000

What would be very nice indeed is if 4D could add a custom dictionary to
every object (Cannon Smith put in an excellent feature request about
this...it was popular) and for every structure object, like a field (Jeff
Kain applied Cannon's idea to structure objects and started another popular
feature request.)
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