Hi all,

I’m looking for ways to improve my off-site backup strategy and was wondering 
if any of you found an online service that reliably backs up the log (.journal) 
file on a high-frequency basis … without disrupting that file.

We have several servers (Macs) in two colocation data centers … one of which is 
in Florida, so you can imagine what’s on my mind.  Historically I’ve been using 
iBackup / iDrive to move our full backups and log files every night to "the 
cloud” (you know, where computers and angels live).  We also have local 
redundancy in the data centers (external RAID 1, or mirrored, arrays for the 
running database, with backups and the current log file on another drive that’s 
not part of the RAID array).  That protects us against the most common 
problems:  1) individual hard drive failure, 2) server failure, or 3) even 
failure of the RAID system.  We can quickly recover from all three of those.  
Catastrophic failure of the data center is the one thing that local backups 
don’t help with.  These data centers are telco bunkers that won’t blow away in 
a storm, but they could go offline for an extended period, hence the remote 

Ideally we’d like the log files to be backed up remotely far more frequently 
than the once-a-day full backups.  Every ten minutes should do it.  That way, 
in the event of a catastrophic failure we could use the previous night’s backup 
and the log file to reconstruct almost all of our data (up to the 10-minute 

I’ve tried iDrive’s “Continuous Data Protection” service, but it’s not working 
for this file and so far they can’t explain why.  I also tried Google’s new 
Backup & Sync app to sync the file to Google Drive, but similarly it’s not 
working; it doesn’t recognize the file as changing.  I suspect this is because 
these services may be relying upon the Finder’s modification date & time, which 
is also not updating as the system writes to the log (and the file grows).  
Haven’t tried iCloud for this yet, but that’s next.  

Has anyone come up with a mechanism for high-frequency remote backups of the 
logs that a) works and b) doesn’t somehow disrupt the log’s ability to receive 
new entries from the running database?

Ron Rosell

301-3537 Oak Street
Vancouver, BC V6H 2M1

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