I exclusively use object fields for additional data and storage of connected 
information to a specific data row, such as record and field history, specific 
item settings etc.
All of these will NOT be queried on.
There are cases where I use object fields for variable data structures, but 
limit this to basic 1-level objects that can be queried rapidly.
Also bear in mind, that accessing data embedded in objects is far more 
complicated (for example for mass editing) than using a related table. It might 
sound like an intriguing concept to store, say keywords, in an object array, 
but even if these were quick to query, modifying a bunch a of keywords is far 
more complicated when they are stored in objects than just using an APPLY TO 
SELECTION for a „normal“ related table.
Just my 2 ct, your mileage may vary

> Am 12.09.2017 um 18:58 schrieb Jeffrey Kain via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>:
> So disappointing.

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