I haven't used the Postgres plug-in, but the MySQL plugin has: *MySQL Get
Last Insert Row ID* just for that purpose. Is there an equivalent?

On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 7:37 AM, Jeffrey Kain via 4D_Tech <
4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

> We're using the Pluggers PostgreSQL plug-in, and trying to capture the ID
> of newly inserted rows. It seems like the best way to do this is to put the
> insert into a Select. The following seems to work, but we've just never
> done this before and it seems weird... :) Anything to worry about here?
>     $tStatement:="INSERT INTO invoices (name, amount) VALUES (?,?)
> returning id"
>     $lStatement:=PgSQL New SQL Statement ($lConnection;$tStatement)
>     PgSQL Set String In SQL ($lStatement;1;$tName)
>     PgSQL Set Real In SQL ($lStatement;2;$rAmount)
>     $rowset:=PgSQL Select ($lConnection;"";$lStatement)
>     $lInvoiceID:=PgSQL Get Longint Column ($rowset;"id")
>     PgSQL Delete Row Set ($rowset)
>     PgSQL Delete SQL Statement ($lStatement)
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