> On Oct 13, 2017, at 9:20 AM, Lee Hinde wrote:
> New client with a database to update to v16. It's currently running in
> 2004. But it has subtables with subtables, which, as I'm discovering, isn't
> really supported in 2004.
> So, how did they do that? That is, run a compiled database in 2004 that has
> a two level deep subtable?
> And, is there a way to reference the 2nd level in 2004?
> In v16 the 2nd level subtable isn't moved over. The field is in the 1st
> level subtable. My goal with all this is to write something to migrate the
> data.

I ran into an issue with 2nd level subtables many years ago. You may need to do 
an interim update with 2004 first. Open it in 2004. Gonna be hard to do with 
macOS as you need Mac OS 9 or the old “Classic” environment in macOS X. 
Probably easier to use Windows for the 2004 version.  

Create new tables for the subtables and subtables of subtables in 2004. Write 
some code to move the subtable data to the new tables. But doing this is tricky 
because of the method editor. If I remember correctly, the 2004 method editor 
will show sub-subtable field references, but as soon as you edit a line with 
the reference (or maybe even retokenize the whole method) it drops the 
sub-subtable references. So you have to replace all these lines of code with 
EXECUTE commands. And you’ll have to write all the sub-subtable conversion code 
as a series of EXECUTE commands for every line with a sub-subtable reference. 
Yes, this is a super big drag. 

So old subsubtable code is tokenized correctly and will run interpreted and 
will even compile and run. But the method editor can’t handle it. So as long as 
you don’t touch it, it will keep working. EXECUTE is your savior in the case 
where you need to fix something or write something new.


Tim Nevels
Innovative Solutions

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