> On Oct 17, 2017, at 2:25 PM, Tom DeMeo via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> If you want to build emails or edit different types of text files that are 
> kept server side, the Ace editor embedded in a web area is a better library 
> than Tiny MCE. They seem to be shooting for a web implementation of Sublime 
> Text. There are a ton of customizable features, and it’s nicely designed.

+1 for Ace, it is amazing what can be done in a web browser. I wrote a Postgres 
mode for it which makes it nice to work with Postgres from 4D. 

I looked into TinyMCE to replace 4D Write. There were some bugs I could not 
work around that made it rather ugly to do field references nicely. I ended up 
using Markdown in 4D styled text fields instead. Not as user friendly, seems to 
work well. It has other advantages in that a consistent style can be enforced 
across documents.

I also came across this today: ProseMirror, A toolkit for building rich-text 
editors on the web.


John DeSoi, Ph.D.

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