A nice solution!  Just to be sure, it was to use ".svg" rather than "svg"?

    rather than

As displayed in the web page:
Next I tried the defined codec-option „svg“
($svgCopyrightLayer_Ref;$interPicture;5;0;“svg“)  // appears the same
to no avail.

Finally I checked my manual of the source. Actually codec means extension, ergo 
„.svg“. This line of code
($svgCopyrightLayer_Ref;$interPicture;5;0;“svg“)  // appears the same
delivers what I was looking for: 4D renders SVG inside SVG perfectly well.

Keith - CDI

> On Oct 22, 2017, at 3:16 PM, Ortwin Zillgen via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> this works for me
> <http://dddd.mettre.de/wp/embedding-svg-inside-an-svg/?inug>
> Regards
> O r t w i n  Z i l l g e n

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