Hi Ortwin,
Nicely done.

In this case I want to be able to view and edit the json easily. This is a
developer tool I'm building but the solution is really all hierarchical
list based. The key for me is being able to edit the json value without
messing with the key. This is where I discovered the Additional text
parameter of an hList is useful. It's really the first time I've had reason
to use hList parameters to be honest. In v2004 I used hLists extensively
for various data display chores but since v13 and the improved listboxes I
use very few. This is the first time they are a superior solution and the
parameters provide the extensibility I need.

Here are a couple of screenshots to show what I'm doing:


One shows what a json looks like in the hList. The other shows how the
hidden var looks allowing the user to edit the value. None of that would be
particularly useful without the ability to include data like the full key
and even the data type, if you wanted that, in the parameters.

Like I say I happen to be using this for JSON but it could be extended to
any key:value kind of hierarchical list.

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 12:48 AM, Ortwin Zillgen via 4D_Tech <
4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

> some reading
> <http://dddd.mettre.de/wp/parsing-json/?inug>
> Regards
> O r t w i n  Z i l l g e n
> ---------------------------------------------
> <mailto:i...@mettre.de>   <http://dddd.mettre.de/wp/?4713>
> <feed://dddd.mettre.de/f/DDDD_Links.xml > <https://twitter.com/Ozett>
> member of developer-network <http://www.die4Dwerkstatt.de>
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Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

*The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

*- Edmund Burke*
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