Hello, If the value of a property is modified using object notation directly over an object field the modified value is not stored on the record. This is reproducible in v16R4 and v16R5.
READ WRITE([Table1]) GOTO RECORD([Table1];0) // [Table1]Object.value is False $b_value:=True [Table1]Object.value:=$b_value SAVE RECORD([Table1]) // [Table1]Object.value is True after Save Record UNLOAD RECORD([Table1]) GOTO RECORD([Table1];0) // after changing the current selection by reloading the record [Table1]Object.value is false I reported this to 4D via TAOW and the Forum. 4D answer was that is as standard behavior and they recommend me to assign the object field to itself after modification. You can also use OB SET or assign the object to a variable and work with it before reassign it to the object field. Alberto. ********************************************************************** 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG) FAQ: http://lists.4d.com/faqnug.html Archive: http://lists.4d.com/archives.html Options: http://lists.4d.com/mailman/options/4d_tech Unsub: mailto:4d_tech-unsubscr...@lists.4d.com **********************************************************************