Hi All,
Have a client whose database Client apps (v16R4) have recently started
to display the 'standard' 4D error dialog
The connection for this process has been disrupted or the connection
couldn't be established.
A serious error occurred while a request was being sent to the server.
You should quit or restart the database as soon as possible.
This is shown for about 2-3 seconds and then the merged client app
continues to quit normally. Under recent Windows OS.
A Client application running on the same machine as the Server app does
NOT show this dialog.
Anyone else seen this sort of behaviour in recent version of Windows or 4D?
Our customer is convinced that there's a problem with the app or
datafile. While we're more of the opinion that there's a network issue
going on which is also affecting performance.
Anyone else have any opinion son what might cuase this error dialog to
display at Quit time?
Allan Udy
Golden Micro Solutions Ltd, Blenheim, New Zealand
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