I think I am slowly losing my sanity.
Trying to create DOCX files from 4D.
My code creates the requisite XML files, then zips them up and produces a
.docx document. My test document is very simple: it contains one word,
If I unzip that .docx I can see all the files and they all appear to be
valid and correct.
But the document won\t open up in Word.

I created a document in Word, added the word "Brownies" and saved it.
Of course, that file opens correctly when double-clicked.
Unzipped that and viewed the XML files.

​I'll call the one I created in CatBase "Brownies-CB" and one I created in
Word "Brownies".

Now if I copy ALL the contents from the Brownies folder into the
Brownies-CB folder ​and then re-package that folder, it still won't open in
To check that my packaging code works correctly, I re-packed the Brownies
folder and that opened just fine in Word.

If the two folders (Brownies and Brownies-CB) contain the exact same
contents, why would one work and the other, not?

Note - there is one hidden file in the package and I checked to make sure
that it gets copied over.

Anybody got any suggestions?


CatBase - Top Dog in Data Publishing
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