I do something like this with Postgres: If the query returns more than X 
records, these rows become the starting cache. Then a second query is performed 
to determine the total number of rows that would be returned. The list box is a 
selection based listbox for a simple 1 field table where I can quickly create a 
selection with the number of rows in the query. The columns are filled with the 
query results from the cache (using formula columns). If the user scrolls 
passed the cached values, the listbox automatically refills the cache with new 
records based on the displayed row number.

It is somewhat complicated to implement, but provide a seamless interface for 
scrolling large record sets without loading everything into memory.

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

> On Jan 23, 2018, at 7:22 AM, Jim Dorrance via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> What I am doing now is
> Begin SQL
> SELECT * FROM [myTable] LIMIT 10000 into LISTBOX :myListbox;
> End SQL
> if Records in table > 10000 I then fill the rest of the arrays manually
> starting at goto record (10000) on successive outside calls
> Any other ideas?

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