What's "Export_Echappement"? (echappement means "escape", right? Does this 
method add escape characters? 

Yes, indeed. I translate some method names but i'm too french sometimes ;-)
but you catch the wording.
I will update in my componant, thanks.
Here is the code:
If (Count parameters=1)
        $metacharacters_t:=Char(Quote)+Char(Double quote)+"\\[]{}<>"
        For ($i;1;Length($metacharacters_t))
                $value_t:=Replace string($value_t;$metacharacter_t;"";*)  // 
par un espace
        End for 
End if 


Regarding other points:

*SET DATABASE PARAMETER*(PHP use external interpreter;0) 
-> To be sure to use the php interpreter of 4D in case of you have your own

$OK:=*PHP Execute*("";"quit_4d_php") 
-> I use it to clear the memory. I don't know if I'm right, but I get it by
looking some code from 4D-men

*PHP SET OPTION*(PHP raw result;*True*) 
-> to get all 'error' information.

$OK:=*PHP Execute*("";"relaunch_4d_php") 
-> I observe that sometimes, the first call do nothing. So, I restart the
'motor' before trying to do the job.

*DELAY PROCESS*(*Current process*;20) 
-> To let few  time but long time at processor time machine to finish all
previous commands.

Hope it's helpful


(Soft1002, Simply Asso & QS_Toolbox)
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