On Jan 30, 2018, at 2:00 PM, Jim Dorrance wrote:

> Find a mac mini late 2012 i7 with ssd and 16 gb ram

I agree. This is a fantastic little machine for running 4D Server on with under 
20 users and a “medium sized” data file. 

This is how I currently categorized 4D data file sizes:

Small is less than 5GB
Medium is between 5GB and 30GB
Large is anything over 30GB

If I have the RAM, I set the data cache size to about the same as the data file 
+ index file size. Otherwise I like to have data cache set to about 50% of that 
total size. This is for high transactional type databases. I like to keep cache 
purging to almost never. Load it once from disk. Generally speaking, if you are 
purging the database cache daily or weekly, you need to increase the cache 
size. Of course with SSDs now becoming the norm, I may have to adjust my 

I’d be curious what others feel are “small”, “medium” and “large” sizes for 4D 
databases running on current, modern hardware and using 4D v13+. (I can 
remember the days where a 1GB data file would be considered huge for 4D.)

Tim Nevels 
timnev...@mac.com <mailto:timnev...@mac.com>
Innovative Solutions

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