G'day everyone, being a bit frustrated with the SMTP commands in 4DIC, I created a replacement using Keisukes CUrl plugin.
http://blog.heintz.net/curly-mail-fun/ <http://blog.heintz.net/curly-mail-fun/> It can easily replace 4DIC SMTP commands as it is mostly command compatible, but you will see in the documentation. Feedback, error reports, etc. always welcome, Source available for a donation of any kind. Cheers Alex ********************************************************************** 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG) FAQ: http://lists.4d.com/faqnug.html Archive: http://lists.4d.com/archives.html Options: http://lists.4d.com/mailman/options/4d_tech Unsub: mailto:4d_tech-unsubscr...@lists.4d.com **********************************************************************