When we export an XML structure, what does the "type" attribute indicate?

For example, here is a snippet, from an XML Structure Export, for 3-fields: 
date, time and boolean.

<field name="Date_field" uuid="6D36F96B0E964542B809CE18B4B0FD88" type="8" 
never_null="true" id="5"/>

<field name="Time_field" uuid="B0081527368943C9A87669BE14C5D664" type="9" 
never_null="true" id="6"/>

<field name="Boolean_field" uuid="6A053EE809184E0D8F4306386061FEAD" type="1" 
never_null="true" id="7"/>

The above "type" attribute values do *NOT* correspond with the values returned 
the 4D command "Type".

For example:

1) Date field: attribute "type" is 8, but the type command returns 4.

2) Time field: attribute "type" is 9, but the type command returns 11.

3) Boolean attribute "type" is 1, but the type command returns 6.



1) What does the "type" attribute refer to?

2) How do we determine the field type from an XML Structure Export?

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