I don't use deletion control either...
however, maybe there is a circular relation* and 4D iterates through this 
relational circle either a fixed (large) number of times, or after some (large) 
number of iterations through the circle 4D finally finds that there are no 
related children records?

* just in case :)    (-> = relation, letter = table)
A -> B -> C -> D -> A

> Arnaud,
> I use Delete Related records a fair amount usually without any issues.
> However, as John suggests, the sorts of records that may be deleted this
> way are usually limited to linking records, prefs and things like that.
> It can be frustrating when a record fails to delete for no known reason
> only to find, eventually, Deletion Control was to blame because some record
> had a relation to some other record that was locked. I don't recall the
> error message when that happens but I think it doesn't necessarily tell you
> where the record that prevented deletion is.
> On Sat, Jul 7, 2018 at 4:20 AM Arnaud de Montard via 4D_Tech <
>> wrote:
>> ​...
> The deleted records had no "sons". Searching if there are sons with
>> QUERY(sons;foreign key=primary key) takes a few milliseconds. MSC says
>> everything's OK. 4D v14r5.
> ​Do any of the 'sons' rec​ords have empty foreign key fields?
Hell is other people 
     Jean-Paul Sartre
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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