Hope this is on topic...

During : (Form event=On Begin Drag Over) in the source list, I put the 
information about the item being dragged on the Pasteboard
                LOAD RECORD([Item])
                OB SET($obj;"$rec";Record number([Item]))
                OB SET($obj;"$proc";Current process)
                OB SET($obj;"$source";"LocEdit")
                $text:=JSON Stringify($obj)
                      // set your data type
                SET TEXT TO PASTEBOARD($text)

Later on in the destination process, mouse button just up from On Begin Drag 
Over, the information was read back out...
        : (Form event=On Drop)
                      // check here to see if it's your data type on the 
                $obj:=JSON Parse(Get text from pasteboard)
                $rec:=OB Get($obj;"$rec";Is longint)
                $proc:=OB Get($obj;"$proc";Is longint)
                $source:=OB Get($obj;"$source";Is text)
                If ($proc#Current process) & ($source="LocEdit")...

Keith - CDI

> On Jul 10, 2018, at 12:43 PM, Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> Context: dragging 1 (or more) records/rows from a selection listbox to 
> another form in another process. 4D v13.
> I know, and can see by using GET PASTEBOARD DATA TYPE, and GET 
> PASTEBOARD DATA that if I drag a line/record from a selection listbox 
> to another process there is "stuff" put on the pasteboard.
> (native data types)
> com.4d.private.pid  -- 4bytes
> com.4d.private.form.object  -- 510bytes
> what I do not know, is how do I use the data on the pasteboard.
> Can someone help?
> Thanks
> Chip
> ---------------
> Gas is for washing parts
> Alcohol is for drinkin'
> Nitromethane is for racing 
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