Regarding the web server, if you’re just serving static content, then having 
your ISP host is usually fine.  

If you have a website front end that integrates with 4D then you can continue 
to use MacOS to serve your site.  All that Apple is doing is unbundling some 
third-party applications, like Apache, that have been delivered with OS-X 
Server.  Apache is in fact included with the core OS anyway;  OS-X server has 
just providing a control panel to handle a few configuration aspects, many of 
which (like proxypass) you’d end up editing manually in the config file anyway. 
 (The control panel only managed the most rudimentary aspects of setting up an 
Apache site.). 

There are plenty of other ways to manage Apache on a MacOS server without using 
the Websites section of OS-X Server.  Apple says they will be providing 
information on downloadable alternatives;  a Google search will also point you 
to alternatives.

Ron Rosell


Ron Rosell

301-3537 Oak Street
Vancouver, BC V6H 2M1

Direct phone (all numbers reach me)
Vancouver: (+1) (604) 628-1933  |  Seattle: (+1) (425) 956-3570  |  Palm Beach: 
(+1) (561) 351-6210     
email: <>  |  fax: (+1) (815) 
301-9058  |  Skype: ronrosell

> On Aug 2, 2018, at 7:48 AM, npdennis via 4D_Tech <> wrote:
> Web - I’m thinking of using my ISP

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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