the colon symbol is a "namespace" delimiter in XML. if you want to create a root element like dmm:Production_Order_Confirmations you must first define what the "dmm" namespace prefix stands for.
the identifier should be a globally unique string, by convention a URL. (it doesn't have to be a real URL, it's just a convenient way to define unique string) e.g. $root:=DOM Create XML Ref("dmm:Production_Order_Confirmations";"") in the example above, the default namespace becomes "dmm" instead of "xml". $e:=DOM Find XML element($root;"Production_Order_Confirmations") $e:=DOM Find XML element($root;"dmm:Production_Order_Confirmations") both are valid references. you might have not thought about it, but every element/attribute has the namespace prefix "xml". ********************************************************************** 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG) Archive: Options: Unsub: **********************************************************************