I'm on the slower end of things with a DSL line that does 25down/2up.
Latency seems to be more critical for me. If it stays under, say,
70ms, everything seems to work remarkably well, even searches.


On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 8:58 AM, Jeffrey Kain via 4D_Tech
<4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> Agreed.
> I do some remote development from home using 4D version 15. It's a cable 
> modem on my end (150 down/12 up) to a large university halfway across the 
> country.  Development is very speedy once things get cached, and even using 
> the application is pretty good with a few exceptions where there are lots of 
> tiny queries in loops, etc., instead of optimized S2A.
> The first thing I do when connecting to the server is to do a Find In Design 
> for text contains <something> which ends up locally caching all of the 
> methods. From that point on, everything in the design environment is super 
> fast.
>> On Aug 16, 2018, at 10:53 AM, Tim Nevels via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
>> wrote:
>> This has only become possible in the last maybe 5 years due to the increases 
>> in internet speeds, and the changes 4D has made to optimize network traffic 
>> between 4D Server and 4D Client. I believe the new network layer is a major 
>> contributor to this.
>> Trying to do what we have been doing 10 years ago with a 10 Mbps down and 
>> 1Mbps up internet connection would have been a horrible experience.
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Clean Air Engineering
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