Hi all,

FWIW, on macOS I'm using a slightly different approach. Instead of renaming the 
application I change the icon. Copy/paste in Finder File Info window
I use the actual 4D icons, but add the version and build number and also a 
small indicator for 64bit.


Kind regards,

> Op 16 aug. 2018, om 21:18 heeft Tim Nevels via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> het volgende geschreven:
> On macOS I do something different to get the same effect from the Dock. I 
> rename the applications. So “4D.app” becomes “4D v17.0 HF1.app”. Then when 
> you hover over the icon in the doc you see the version info instead of just 
> “4D". 
> I didn’t mention this before because I assumed all the macOS developers 
> already knew, but maybe not. So here it is for completeness. 

Compass bvba
Koen Van Hooreweghe
Kloosterstraat 65
9910 Knesselare
tel +32 495 511.653

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