I have had to do this. I store a copy of the methods I need in a folder in the 
Resources folder.

Only downside is that the code is outside of the structure so the maintenance 
is a bit more effort. You could add a bit of code to the On Exit method on the 
component that updates the copy of the method on disk from the method in 4D. 
That helps to make maintenance a bit easier. 


> On Aug 21, 2018, at 10:23 AM, Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> I have written code which injects (creates) needed methods in a host 
> database.
> The code for injecting works interpretedly, I was just testing the 
> component compiled, and ran into an error. I am getting the code of a 
> method in the component, and then injecting it into the host.
> METHOD GET CODE("Methodname";$Text)
> METHOD SET CODE("Methodname";$Text;*)
> And of course, once the component is compiled, I can no longer GET the 
> method's code (duh!).
> So, anyone who is doing this, how are you going about storing the code 
> to inject?
> - written to a text file?
> - in a data file --problematic for a component
> - ???
> Thanks
> ---------------
> Gas is for washing parts
> Alcohol is for drinkin'
> Nitromethane is for racing 
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