When I first saw 4D’s requirement for unique indexes I was tempted to replace 
other ids in our databases with UUIDs in order to save space ... I quickly gave 
up on that idea. I just let 4D manage UUIDs to have unique IDs for backup and 
journalizing functions and I don’t assume anything regarding those fields and 


> On 3 Sep 2018, at 21:07, Jim Labos - infobase via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> Yes thanks, that is what I became aware of at that point. Previously UUID's
> nature was not particularly interesting to me and so I thought of it as
> Alpha numeric string. For comparison's sake a text will work but not as I
> previously falsely assumed.
> This old dog can still learn!
> Cheers
> Jim Labos - infobase
> -----
> Jim Labos - infobase
> --
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