Thanks to John for adding writing to disk to Dani's test set. You make some
good points about documents in the modern world. You can probably append to
a document all day long and never see any change in speed. Years ago, the
legend was that you didn't have to buffer before calling *SEND PACKET* because
4D was doing it already. Meaning also that you had to close/open the
document it you were writing a log to track down crashes. No idea if this
is true now.

And, yeah, then you can *DOCUMENT TO TEXT* in one go, it that's what you're
after. But, and I don't know if this is just me or not, but I hate writing
scratch files. Just...don't like it. I can't back that up with any good
reasons, I just have a bit of an allergy to the file system. Permissions
issues, etc. Maybe I should rethink that. Another nice feature of files is
that you can use them in so many ways...they can then be read by another
program for dispatch, etc. So, hmm.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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