I'm new enough with collections and entities not to have a good sense of what 
techniques are most efficient.  I have been thinking of Form as a communication 
vehicle to be loaded and unloaded, and a way to avoid process variables.
Arrays would need to be packed and unpacked, but Example 11 on page 
http://doc.4d.com/4Dv17/4D/17/OB-SET.301-3730704.en.html makes me want to try 
using Form.CollectionName[n] too.


> On Oct 2, 2018, at 4:03 PM, Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> Keith,
> Sure, if having the choice list in the data object is relevant. Depends on
> how the form is set up I think. Typically I would pass a data object to a
> form or subform to be populated with data or allow the user to edit it. I
> make the form for a particular kind of operation. Right now I'm working on
> Payments so I've got a main Payment form and a few subforms that manage
> some aspect of a payment. Like credit card entry, manual entry, static
> display and so on. So things like popups or combo boxes are static or
> dynamic within a range and the content is determined by the kind of form.
> All I care about getting into the data object is whatever choice is made.
> It sounds like you're describing a situation where the data object includes
> things like the choice lists.
> It's not a case of one being better than the other, more a case of
> different approaches to managing the form.
> On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 1:28 PM Keith Culotta via 4D_Tech <
> 4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
>> or for each value of ChoicesArray: OB SET(Form;"ChoicesArray"+string($i);
>> ChoicesArray{$i}) ?
>> Keith
>>> On Oct 2, 2018, at 3:10 PM, Keith Culotta via 4D_Tech <
>> 4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
>>> You can save ChoicesArray to the Form object with OB SET
>> ARRAY(Form;"myarr";ChoicesArray).
>>> http://doc.4d.com/4Dv17/4D/17/OB-SET-ARRAY.301-3730702.en.html
>>> Also 'JSON Stringify array' will produce a string that can be
>> reconstituted with JSON PARSE ARRAY.
>>> FORM.myarr:=$stringifiedArray
>>> http://doc.4d.com/4Dv17/4D/17/JSON-PARSE-ARRAY.301-3730390.en.html
>>> Keith - CDI
>>>> On Oct 2, 2018, at 2:42 PM, Chris Belanger via 4D_Tech <
>> 4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
>>>> I am trying to make a ComboBox object that is local to the Form. Hence
>> I need the Array to be a Form. object
>>>> ARRAY TEXT(Form.ChoicesArray;0) does not work;
>>>> Trying to get the data into a COLLECTION and then use COLLECTION TO
>> ARRAY (which should define the array easily) does not work:
>>>> Form.col_UnitTypes:=ds.Unit_Type.all().orderBy("Name
>> asc").toCollection("Name";dk with primary key)
>>>> COLLECTION TO ARRAY(Form.col_UnitTypes;Form.box_Type_Unit;"Name")
>>>> does not work ("4D was expecting a Variable" error).
>>>> Is there now way to set up an ARRAY for Form.Array usage?
>>>> Thanks for any observations,
>>>> Chris

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