Thanks  Tim,

it appears to have been one or more damaged indices


On Tue, 02 Oct 2018 16:00:36 -0500, Tim Nevels via 4D_Tech wrote:
> On Oct 2, 2018, at 2:00 PM, Chip Scheide wrote:
>> given this table configuration
>> Animal <------ Animal_Sample_Link -------> Samples
>> if there is at least 1 [Sample_Animal_Link] record shouldn't the 
>> following code load the animal record(s)?
>> RELATE ONE SELECTION([Sample_Animal_Link];[Animal])
>> I ask because it is not, even after a restart of 4D
> Four thoughts came to mind:
> 1. index damage so the query or relation is failing
> 2. Could there be other relations that 4D could go through to get 
> from Sample_Animal_Link to Animal? Maybe 4D picked another set of 
> relations to follow to get from here to there. Result is wrong 
> selection of records.
> 3. Are you running this code from a button or a menu item while a 
> MODIFY SELECTION or DISPLAY SELECTION is running? Sometimes 4D will 
> not do certain relational things because it can “break” the MODIFY 
> SELECTION or DISPLAY SELECTION if any of the tables in question are 
> involved.
> 4. If you do a  QUERY or QUERY WITH ARRAY instead of a RELATE ONE 
> SELECTION, do you get the expected selection of records? If so then 
> see #2 or #3 above. 
> Tim
> *****************************************
> Tim Nevels
> Innovative Solutions
> 785-749-3444
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