I have done this, although in v13.  I found that all my images now have 
white backgrounds 
any way to fix this without manually editing every single one??

On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 08:12:44 -0700, Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech wrote:
> I'm preparing to move a large, established project from v15 to v17 and
> finally had to deal with the pictures. I've been putting this off at least
> partly because of just not wanting to deal with this. Turns out it's not
> that big a deal, at least for me.
> When I've just done the conversion to see what happened lots of old forms,
> the ones 4D creates, had the dreaded red X in the button icons. Most of my
> forms were fine because for a long time I've been using icons from the
> resource folder which were already .png. But I still had to do something
> about the legacy images.
> 1) converting the picture library
> This was really easy. As numerous folks have pointed out this is where to
> start:
> http://kb.4d.com/assetid=76775
> I don't have 4D Pack installed any more and didn't see an easy, native way
> of determining what kind of file a picture library resource is. But then I
> realized I really don't care what they were because I was going to make
> them all .png now. So I modified the loop to simply convert all the images
> to .png.
> I did this in the v15 version.
> 2) the outliers
> A number of forms have static images in them. This illustrated the various
> strategies 4D has used over the years for building the default forms. I
> didn't pay enough attention to determine which versions did what but some
> forms have static images as backgrounds that are incompatible and some
> don't.
> I quickly noticed lots of them were named "Picture6". Doing a find in
> design located all the forms with "Picture6" and opened each one deleting
> the obsolete image. Sometimes the image was OK. None of these forms are
> user-facing so they don't really matter but the point is it's easy to find
> them and relatively quick to delete them.
> Bottom line - this wasn't nearly as painful or time consuming a deal as I
> feared.
> Unexpected discovery - the picture library is still a useful thing!
> I had equated the library with .pict files and stopped paying attention to
> it. This isn't the case and the tools for managing what's in the library
> are simple to use. You can't edit images directly anymore (that's way gone)
> but storing .png files is a snap and for me a lot easier than managing them
> from Resources.
> It's also easier if you have a large collection of icons but only use a
> few. I have a set of icons I like and use but there are hundreds of them in
> my development resources folder. I don't want to include all of them in
> deployed databases so I have this method that loops all the forms and all
> the objects making a list of the ones I actually use and then creating a
> subset folder of just those icons for shipping. It's a PITA.
> I am going to be changing that so I'll loop through all the form objects as
> now but if I refer to a file in my icons folder I'll put a copy of that
> icon in the library and change the ref in the object. This way I will be
> able to refer to the full icon set during development but not ship it.
> -- 
> Kirk Brooks
> San Francisco, CA
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