I have a method that tests if a record is locked and if it is attempts to
figure out by whom:

$text:="["+Table name($1)+"] "

LOCKED BY($1->;$process;$4Duser;$machineName;$p_Name)

Case of
: ($process=-1)

$text:=$text+"The record has been deleted."

: ($process=0)

$text:=$text+" is locked but there is no information available about who
has it."



"Record number "+String(Record number($1->))+" is locked.\r"+\

"It's open by "+$4dUser+".\r\r"+\

"  Process : "+$p_Name+"\r"+\

"  Machine : "+$machineName+"\r\r"+("-"*20)+"\r"+\

"   Proc # : "+String($process)+"\r"+\

" Alt name : "+$processName

End case

I've been using this for years. Recently I noticed (but it may have been
going on for a while) records will return true for locked but LOCKED BY
doesn't have any process associated with it. The only way I've been able to
recreate this is to open a record in User Mode and attempt to load the
record from another process. This works as expected. Then if I close the
record in User and click off of it to deselect attempting to load from
another process shows the record locked but no info.

It also occurs other times though I haven't been able to replicate it.
Regardless, what to do?

This is v15 running on Mac Mojave so there is all sorts of possibilities
for weirdness there. Wondering if anyone else has come across this?

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

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