
On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 5:04 AM Peter Bozek via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 12:41 PM Keisuke Miyako via 4D_Tech <
>> wrote:
> > the request is more like,
> > "I want to make a query in process B change the current selection of
> > process A, and vice versa".
> > why would you want that?
> I am using interprocess sets and named selections - not very often, but I
> still do in all at least a bit more complex projects.

I think there are a number of cases where solutions for tricky issues that
work, and work well, in prior versions of 4D do not work well using ORDA.
And frankly attempting to hammer those solutions into the ORDA language
doesn't do any good.

I strongly suspect there is another way to accomplish the end result you
need using tools available in ORDA but it's going to require re-thinking
the problem from the beginning. What is the task or operation you want to
accomplish? What's that result look like as an entity selection, collection
or whatever? Then it becomes 'how do I get that result using the tools
available?' That's where I find ORDA is most powerful - using it for what
it's designed to do. I am not finding it particularly beneficial as a
replacement for perfectly good, old 4D code. The fact it's a shiny new
widget doesn't make it useful for everything.

In this case your previous work may be perfectly fine and not worth the
effort to retro fit.

Personally I have a lot of concepts about how to do code operation in 4D
that are strongly rooted in what it was possible to do in 4D. ORDA
frequently goes in a different direction and the optimal ORDA solutions
look much different than I'm accustomed to. Usually cleaner, tighter and
less code. Not always, but usually.

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

*We go vote - they go home*
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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