Robert says:

>But what if the structure was that collection of files and that 4D runs as
>it always does but the github version management is always in play without
>an export? What if the .4db is simply a package that didn't have to be there?
>Just a thought. I think at a minimum, we will be one mouse-click from exporting
>the code, as you can see from the new v17r3 release and I'm assuming we'll be
>able to import that same code to build a .4b from scratch. My idea saves the
>conversion steps, all other functionality would be identical.

I don't know anything about how v17r3 supports exporting code and forms to a 
source code repository. Is it triggers by 4D Macros, like MethodHistory which 
could trigger code when saving a method or is it something else? That would be 
nice, but you would still need an explicit "Commit" capability.

Ideally you could have a distributed team of developers all working on local 
copies of the 4D structure, with local test data. Once their changes are 
complete and unit tested they could be "checked in" to a github. From there an 
automated "continuous build" process would periodically grab all checked-in 
code and forms and build and deploy an updated structure to a test server where 
testers would validate the changes.

From the sound of things, we are only one step away from being able to create 
this kind of build/deploy environment in 4D. This is would really move 4D in 
the right direction, from an Enterprise acceptance point of view.

Tom Benedict
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