At a minimum, I just have the simple need of recording “CreatedBy” and  
“ModifiedBy” values (username or ID) for one particular table. I do have extra 
fields already in that table that could be repurposed and I would probably add 
“DateModified” to that. However, that’s three fields used just for auditing. 
When I look back at previous posts I see that some of you are tracking (saving 
audit data for) for tables and even individual fields. So, as I have a chance 
to redesign this DB, I wanted to re-think how this is implemented. 

So, Chip, when you have the need to store the username (or ID) of the user that 
created and/or last modified a key record, do you ever have this data in the 
field of the original record? I’m sure I have seen this more commonly where the 
data is in the original record. I guess to keep things normalized, you would 
use a related table (or a standalone table) where each transaction that you 
want to remember is stored. However, with the separate table method I suppose 
you would have to search this audit table every time your detail form is loaded 
(assuming you want to show who created or modified a record) and that each time 
the record is updated the audit table would be getting a new record.

Thoughts about your data audit strategy are appreciated.



Robert Broussard
Houston, TX

> On Aug 26, 2015, at 9:26 AM, Chip Scheide <> wrote, 
> Re: Triggers and error handling:
> so my triggers tend to look like this:
> case of
> (Database event = : (Database event=On Saving New Record Event)
>  trk_Last_Modified (->[Account_Postings]Created_Who)
>  trk_Last_Modified (->[Account_Postings]Modified_Who)

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