We have a user trying to run our 4D compiled application on a new Windows 10 
computer they just purchased. We've never had a problem with anyone running our 
software on Windows 10 before. 

When they try to start up the application by double click the compiled .exe 
file the wheel next to the cursor briefly spins but then it stops and nothing 
happens. Below is a crash report they've sent. 

Time: 2018-11-28T09:44:18

<couldn't map PC to fn name>
<couldn't map PC to fn name>
<couldn't map PC to fn name>
<couldn't map PC to fn name>
<couldn't map PC to fn name>
<couldn't map PC to fn name>
<couldn't map PC to fn name>


Our application is a standalone application which uses 4D's Web Server which 
starts automatically when you start our application. The user having the 
difficulty is in Denmark. They have tried a copy of our application based on 4D 
v14 and 4D v16. They have successfully run our application on Windows 10 before 
on other computers.

Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this behavior?


Mike McCall 

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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