I just discovered what I think is a serious bug with 4D reading dates from an 

If you store a 4D date value in an object and retrieve it the value is correct. 
 However, if you retrieve a date that is stored in the format YYYY-MM-DD, the 
date returned is one day less that the date stored.

The code below illustrates the issue.  I have only tested this on Mac OS using 
4D v17.1  (Note:  I tested this at 6:30 pm PST and am not sure if GMT offset 
has any effect)

Has anyone else experienced this issue?



$obj:=New object
$today:=Current date

OB SET($obj;"4Ddate";$today)
OB SET($obj;"apiDate";"2019-02-24")

$4dDate:=ob get($obj;"4Ddate";Is date)  // date returned is correct 2019-02-24
$apiDate:=ob get($obj;"apiDate";Is date) // ERROR: date returned is 2019-02-23

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