We do that nearly the same way, with the difference that we don't use 4D Write 
or Write pro. And for Zipping and unzipping we use PHP.

And with 4D 17R4 it should possible to export from Write Pro to docx.


> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: Creating Word docs in 4D
> As of August 2018, Write Pro could not export to a Word doc. Has that 
> changed?
> I have a 4D v15 application that uses 4D Write pre-defined templates that 
> contain
> home-grown embedded variables, and the code uses the WR Replace command to
> substitute data for these variables.
> Then the Write docs are exported as Word docs. Works perfectly.
> But in v17, I have to come up with a way to replicate this functionality.
> Is anyone using the following methodology to do this?:
> Outside of 4D:
> 1. Create a template in MS Word, with home-grown embedded variables, and 
> save it as
> a .docx file. (Which is actually a zipped collection of xml and other 
> files.)
> 2. Change the file extension to .zip .
> 3. Unzip the file, which creates a number of folders and files.
> In 4D:
> 1. open the resulting document.xml file.
> 2. Replace the embedded variables with data.
> 3. Resave the file.
> 4. Zip the file, using Miyako's zip plugin for 4D.
> 5. Change the extension to .docx .
> Anyone doing this or something like it?
> David
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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