Your email reminds me that I have a whole lot of legacy, Macintosh 4D applications software and accompanying manuals complete with original 3-ring binders which I would like to sell. I used to do a lot of 4D development but have gotten away from it in recent years. I stopped purchasing updates in 2003.

This 4D material contains the full gamut of 1990 to 2003 4D applications ranging from 4D itself to 4D Write, 4D Draw, 4D whatever :) I own it.

I would like to sell it all if there is a market for it. Some applications remain unopened and everything is in excellent condition. The manuals alone contain a wealth of relational database theory and I have lots of 3rd party 4D books as well.

Just wondering if anyone can advise me if there is any demand for this material. I would like to see it go to a good use.



On 3/30/19, rooftop99--- via 4D_Tech said ……

Hi All,

We are in the midst of analyzing a very old 4D application. We’d like to print/plot/PDF a structure diagram, in all it’s glory, to hang on the wall. It must represent all structure elements such as Tables, Fields, Relations, Indexes, etc…. I have seen these diagrams for other platforms but I haven’t been successful in extracting such from 4D. Way back in the day I could print a tiled version of the structure from the Structure editor window but that print menu seems to be disabled (at least for me) in current versions of 4D. Ideally I would like to export the database as xml or JASON and load it into another charting specific application to manipulate and print. I just need to find the proper application (or 4D component/methods) that can consume the xml/JASON and provide the needed diagrams.

An example of what I am hoping for can be found in the top image of Vanessa Talbot’s 4D blog entry titled, “Detailed Analysis of Your Database Structure” Here is the link if it is allowed on the Nug: "“ Something, clean, clear, and readable.

FYI: We are on 4D v16R5 at the moment.  Moving to v17 soon.

Any help is appreciated!

Thank you!!
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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