Scott Staley wrote:

> I'm not very familiar with View Pro or the tool it was developed from
> (SpreadJS, a javascript spreadsheet API) but one thing that I see that
> hasn't been talked about much is that it brings many if not most of the
> charts/graphs that are available in excel to 4D.  I tried a 3d bar chart but
> it came across as a 2D version so I know all options are not supported but
> given the limited graphing available in 4D this seems like a big deal. I
> personally do most of my graphing in 4D using Google charts API but am glad
> to have more options and the ability to print the chart.

I’ve used Google Image Charts API with 4D very successfully, however, keep in 
mind that your raw data goes across the internet to Google, so there may be 
data security issues, depending on your business. The Image Charts API is 
officially deprecated though and replaced by the Area Charts API, which I 
haven’t used, but it does all its processing locally, so is not a security risk.

I’ve also worked with HighCharts in 4D, which uses a local library and is very 
full featured.

Tom Benedict
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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