I do not have access to the Windows Server Administration window (only to 4D 
Server Window). 4D Server has been working fine there. A restart of the 4D 
Server to put up an application update,  (that works on a server in our shop) 
and now the clients cannot see 4D Server broadcasting.

I have gone into 4D server to ensure that it is broadcasting on 19813 and the 
4D Admin window says that it is. It even shows network activity in that window. 
No clients can connect to the server. A 4D Client running on the server 
computer cannot connect either.

If I had access to the Windows Server Administration window I would poke around 
to try and find something (like the firewall on) causing this. 

Any pointers on what I should check for?

I am not used to having client controlled servers.

ARGUS Productions Inc.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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