before v11, the .RSR file adjacent to the structure file that shares the same 
name was automatically opened.
starting from v11, the recommendation is to move any .RSR files to the 
Resources folder,
and explicitly open it with Open resource file.

.RSR files are stacked.

so if there is a PICT resource in both a.RSR and b.RSR,
GET PICTURE RESOURCE returns a different image depending on which file you 
opened last.

if already see the correct image in design mode,
you can simply call GET P. RESOURCE passing the ID.

if not, you need to first Open R. file and then use the command.

once the image is loaded in a picture variable,
you can use TRANSFORM P. and WRITE P. FILE or CONVERT P.
to map the white pixel to alpha and convert the format to .PNG.

if the PICT has a MASK resource, you need to call GET RESOURCE,
if the image is a cicn (colour icon), you need to call GET ICON RESOURCE.

> 2019/07/28 17:37、JOHN BAUGHMAN via 4D_Tech <>のメール:
> I have a picture button that is using a Resource  File with an ID number. I 
> need to convert it to a png but do not have a clue where it is. I think it 
> should be in the Resource folder. Once I find it, I think I should move it 
> there??

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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