Thanks, Tom.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 9:54 AM Tom Benedict via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> See the methods listed below..
> > i get that for normal human beings that don't have 24 or 36" rolls
> printing a structure was not the greatest thing ever, but for us…
> May I point out that for those of us who don’t have plotters in our
> office, Staples (and I expect most other printing service bureaus, Kinkos
> etc) have blueprint printing capability that is very reasonably priced. You
> can print a 3ftx4ft chart for under $10. Just upload the PDF and pick it up
> at your local store.
> Here’s the SQP Script Generator code. There are three methods:
> System_Export_SQL_Script, System_SQL_NameOut and System_SQL_FldScrp. You
> may have to tweak the destination data types in System_SQL_FldScrp. It was
> built for Transact-SQL, but there is an Oracle case which I haven’t
> used/tested. The result SQL Script includes constraints, which you may have
> to remove depending on your tool since the dependent tables are not always
> created prior to the parent table, causing errors.
> I wish I could remember where I got the original code. It was many years
> ago.
> Hope it helps someone.
> Tom Benedict
>   // Method: System_Export_SQLScript
>   // ----------------------------------------------------
>   // User name (OS): Tom Benedict
>   // Date and time: 7/19/2019, 04:13:52
>   // ----------------------------------------------------
>   // Description
>   //  Generates a SQL Script which describes the 4D Structure. Can be used
> to generate a SQL Schema used by any SQL tool
>   // bld277002
>   //
> C_LONGINT($i;$j)
> C_TEXT(PrimKey;FirstInd;CRChar)
> CRChar:=Char(Carriage return)
> ARRAY INTEGER(SQL_FNos;Get last table number)
> ARRAY TEXT(SQL_FNames;Get last table number)
> For ($i;1;Get last table number)
>         If (Is table number valid($i))  // 10/6/10 TGB
>                 SQL_FNos{$i}:=$i
>                 SQL_FNames{$i}:=Table name($i)
>         End if
> End for
> SORT ARRAY(SQL_FNames;SQL_FNos;>)  // CS Sort so it easier to find tables
> in DDL output file
>   // **************************
>   // if you want to select  the files to send implement this dialog
>   // Open window(20;50;420;400;2)
>   // DIALOG(•[CONFIGURE]•;"SQL_Files")  `****
>   // ***************************
>   // If (OK=1)
>   // find foreign keys
>   // assumes many table's foreign key is one table's primary key
> $Size:=Size of array(SQL_FNos)
> For ($i;1;$Size)
>         If (SQL_FNos{$i}>0)
>                 For ($j;1;Get last field number(SQL_FNos{$i}))
>                                 GET RELATION
> PROPERTIES(SQL_FNos{$i};$j;RelFile;RelField)
>                         If (RelFile#0)
>                                 INSERT IN ARRAY(PKOneFile;1)
>                                 INSERT IN ARRAY(PKOneField;1)
>                                 INSERT IN ARRAY(PKManyFile;1)
>                                 INSERT IN ARRAY(PKManyField;1)
>                                 PKManyFile{1}:=SQL_FNos{$i}
>                                 PKManyField{1}:=Field(SQL_FNos{$i};$j)
>                                 PKOneFile{1}:=RelFile
>                                 PKOneField{1}:=Field(RelFile;RelField)
>                         End if
>                 End for
>         End if
> End for
> DocRef:=Create document("";"TEXT")
> If (Ok=1)
>         If (Size of array(MCLNames)#0)
>                 For ($i;1;Size of array(MCLNames))
>                         ScratchStr:=MCLNames{$i}
>                         If (Position(" ";ScratchStr)=1)
>                                 ScratchStr:=Replace string(ScratchStr;"
> ";"";1)  // just replace number 1
>                         End if
>                         ScratchStr:="MCL_"+ScratchStr
>                         ScratchStr:=System_SQL_NameOut (ScratchStr)
>                         $TableDef:="CREATE TABLE "+System_SQL_NameOut
> (ScratchStr)+CRChar+"("+CRChar
>                         $TableDef:=$TableDef+"VALUE
>  CHAR("+String(MCLSize{$i})+") PRIMARY KEY"
>                         $TableDef:=$TableDef+CRChar+");"+CRChar
>                         SEND PACKET(DocRef;$TableDef)
>                 End for
>         End if
>         For ($i;1;Size of array(SQL_FNos))
>                 $MyFile:=SQL_FNos{$i}
>                 If ($MyFile>0)
>                         ARRAY TEXT(FornKeys;0)  // this table's field that
> refs
>                         ARRAY TEXT(FornKeyFile;0)  // the other table's pk
>                         PrimKey:=""
>                         FirstInd:=""
>                         $TableDef:="CREATE TABLE "+System_SQL_NameOut
> (Table name($MyFile))+CRChar+"("+CRChar
>                         If (Get last field number($MyFile)>0)
>                                 $FldPtr:=Field($MyFile;1)
>                                 $FldScrpt:=System_SQL_FldScrp ($FldPtr)
>                                 $FieldName:=Field name($FldPtr)
>                                 $TableDef:=$TableDef+System_SQL_NameOut
> ($FieldName)+$FldScrpt
>                                 For ($j;2;Get last field number($MyFile))
>                                         $FldPtr:=Field($MyFile;$j)
>                                         $FldScrpt:=System_SQL_FldScrp
> ($FldPtr)
>                                         If ($FldScrpt#"")  // don't
> send"zzFieldName"
>                                                 $FieldName:=Field
> name($FldPtr)
> $TableDef:=$TableDef+","+CRChar+System_SQL_NameOut ($FieldName)+$FldScrpt
>                                         End if
>                                 End for
>                         End if
>                           //Table Constraints?00:00:00?
>                         If (PrimKey#"")
> $TableDef:=$TableDef+","+CRChar+"CONSTRAINT PK_"+PrimKey+" PRIMARY KEY
> "+"("+System_SQL_NameOut (PrimKey)+")"
>                         Else
>                                 If (FirstInd#"")
>                                           // Names any assumed primary
> keys as PK_FI_KeyName(for First Indexed field found)
> $TableDef:=$TableDef+","+CRChar+"CONSTRAINT PK_"+FirstInd+" PRIMARY KEY
> "+"("+System_SQL_NameOut (FirstInd)+")"
>                                 End if
>                         End if
>                         If (Size of array(FornKeys)#0)
>                                 For ($j;1;Size of array(FornKeys))
> $TableDef:=$TableDef+","+CRChar+"CONSTRAINT FK_"+System_SQL_NameOut
> (FornKeys{$j})+" FOREIGN KEY "+"("+System_SQL_NameOut (FornKeys{$j})+")"+"
> REFERENCES "+System_SQL_NameOut (FornKeyFile{$j})+"("+FornKeys{$j}+")"
>                                 End for
>                         End if
>                         $TableDef:=$TableDef+CRChar+");"+CRChar
>                         SEND PACKET(DocRef;$TableDef)
>                 End if
>         End for
>         CLOSE DOCUMENT(docRef)
>         ALERT("Done with SQL DDL Creation.")
> End if
>   // Method: System_SQL_NameOut
>   // ----------------------------------------------------
>   // User name (OS): Tom Benedict
>   // Date and time: 7/19/2019, 04:15:07
>   // ----------------------------------------------------
>   // Description
>   // currently just looks for a space and wraps quotes around the name if
> found.
>   // this is a legal oracle name
>   // if spaces are illegal then use $0:=Replace string($0;" ";"")
>   // bld277002
>   //
>   // ----------------------------------------------------
>   // Declarations
>   // - Input
> C_TEXT($1)
>   // - Output
> C_TEXT($0)
>   // - Variables
>   // ----------------------------------------------------
> $0:=Replace string($1;Char(Double quote);"")  //clear any quote chars we
> already have
> If (Position(" ";$0)=1)
>         $0:=Replace string($0;" ";"";1)  //clear a leading space
> End if
> If ((Position(" ";$0)#0) | (Position(".";$0)#0))
>         $0:=Char(Double quote)+$0+Char(Double quote)  //if any internal
> spaces then quote the string
> End if
>   // Method: System_SQL_FldScrp
>   // ----------------------------------------------------
>   // User name (OS): tgbpbp
>   // Date and time: 7/19/2019, 04:16:25
>   // ----------------------------------------------------
>   // Description
>   // bld277002
>   //
>   // ----------------------------------------------------
>   // Declarations
>   // - Input
> C_POINTER($1)  //Field Pointer
>   // - Output
> C_TEXT($0)
>   // - Variables
> C_BOOLEAN($Index)
>   // ----------------------------------------------------
> $0:=""
> GET FIELD PROPERTIES($1;$Type;$Len;$Index)
>   //Oracle specific data types
> Case of
>         : (Position("zz";Field name($1))=1)
>                 $0:=""
>         : ($Type=7)  //SubFile
>                 $0:=""
>         Else
>                 If (False)  //true for SQL anywhere; False for ORACLE
>                         Case of
>                                 : ($Type=0)  //Alpha
>                                         $0:="CHAR("+String($Len)+")"
>                                 : ($Type=1)  //Real
>                                         $0:="DOUBLE"
>                                 : ($Type=2)  //Text
>                                         $0:="CHAR(32767)"
>                                 : ($Type=3)  //Picture
>                                         $0:="LONG BINARY"
>                                 : ($Type=4)  //DATE; Dates for last
> modified or created are better as TIMESTAMPs
>                                         $0:="TIMESTAMP"
>                                 : ($Type=11)  //Time
>                                         $0:="TIME"
>                                 : ($Type=6)  //Boolean
>                                         $0:="SMALLINT"
>                                 : ($Type=7)  //SubFile
>                                         $0:="error"
>                                 : ($Type=8)  //Integer
>                                         $0:="SMALLINT"
>                                 : ($Type=9)  //Longint
>                                         $0:="INTEGER"
>                                 : ($Type=30)  //Blob
>                                         $0:="CHAR(32767)"
>                                 : ($Type=38)  //Object
>                                         $0:="CHAR(32767)"
>                         End case
>                 Else   //False for Oracle
>                         Case of
>                                 : ($Type=0)  //Alpha
>                                         $0:="VARCHAR("+String($Len)+")"
>                                 : ($Type=1)  //Real
>                                         $0:="REAL"
>                                 : ($Type=2)  //Text
>                                         $0:="VARCHAR(8000)"
>                                 : (($Type=3) | ($Type=30))  //Picture or
>                                         $0:="IMAGE"
>                                 : (($Type=4) | ($Type=11))  //Date or Time
>                                         $0:="SMALLDATETIME"
>                                 : ($Type=6)  //Boolean
>                                         $0:="BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"
>                                 : ($Type=8)  //Integer
>                                         $0:="SMALLINT"
>                                 : ($Type=9)  //Longint
>                                         $0:="INT"  //"BIGINT"
>                                 : ($Type=30)  //Blob
>                                         $0:="CHAR(32767)"
>                                 : ($Type=38)  //Object
>                                         $0:="CHAR(32767)"
>                         End case
>                 End if
>                 $0:="    "+$0
>                 If ($Index)
>                         $Posn:=Find in array(PKOneField;$1)
>                         If ($Posn#-1)  // Is This Field Used as a Primary
> Key
>                                 PrimKey:=Field name($1)
>                                 $0:=$0+" NOT NULL"  //PK_ThisFile
>                         Else
>                                 If (FirstInd="")
>                                         FirstInd:=Field name($1)
>                                 End if
>                         End if
>                 End if
>                 $Posn:=Find in array(PKManyField;$1)
>                 If ($Posn#-1)  // Is This Field Used as a Foreign Key
>                         If (Find in array(SQL_FNos;PkOneFile{$posn})#-1)
>                                 $0:=$0+" NOT NULL"
>                                 INSERT IN ARRAY(FornKeys;1)
>                                 INSERT IN ARRAY(FornKeyFile;1)
>                                 FornKeys{1}:=Field name($1)
>                                 FornKeyFile{1}:=Table
> name(PkOneFile{$posn})
>                         Else
>                                 $0:=$0+" NULL"
>                         End if
>                 Else   // CS Added to always default NULL
>                         If (Position("NULL";$0)=0)  //01/03/12 13:04 Lee,
> Terry  Remove Unicode Correction
>                                 $0:=$0+" NULL"
>                         End if
>                 End if
> End case
> > On Oct 4, 2019, at 06:01, Mike Kerner via 4D_Tech <>
> wrote:
> >
> > thanks miyako.
> > tom, i think we'd like to look at your script, too.
> > bringing these systems from v.6 and 2004 to v.17 - I think we're going to
> > miss just dumping the diagram to one of our plotters.  i get that for
> > normal human beings that don't have 24 or 36" rolls printing a structure
> > was not the greatest thing ever, but for us...
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 1:15 AM Patrick Emanuel via 4D_Tech <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Tom,
> >>
> >> should be good if you're able to share it here ;-)
> >>
> >> Cheers
> >>
> >> Patrick
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> -----
> >> Patrick EMANUEL
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------
> >> Administrator
> >>
> >> (Soft1002, Simply Asso & QS_Toolbox)
> >> --
> >> Sent from:
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> >> 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
> > On the second day, God created the oceans.
> > On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
> >   and did a little diving.
> > And God said, "This is good."
> > **********************************************************************
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On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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