Exactly. FWIW, this is my code. The METHOD SET ATTRIBUTES call allows the 
injected method to be used as a callback. Methods to be injected begin with an 
underscore in the component, which is removed when creating the method in the 

        METHOD GET NAMES($omNames;"_OM@")
        METHOD GET NAMES($hostNames;"OM@";*)
        For ($i;1;Size of array($omNames))
                If (Find in array($hostNames;$hostName)#-1)  // already exists, 
so see if needs to be updated
                        METHOD GET MODIFICATION 
                        METHOD GET MODIFICATION 
                        If (($omDate>$hostDate) | (($omDate=$hostDate) & 
                                METHOD GET CODE($hostName;$code;*)
                                METHOD SET CODE($hostNameOld;$code;*)
                                METHOD GET CODE($omNames{$i};$code)
                                METHOD SET CODE($hostName;$code;*)
                                METHOD SET ATTRIBUTE($hostName;Attribute 
                        End if 
                        METHOD GET CODE($omNames{$i};$code)
                        METHOD SET CODE($hostName;$code;*)
                        METHOD SET ATTRIBUTE($hostName;Attribute shared;True;*)
                End if   // if method exists
        End for 

> On 11 Nov 2019, at 15:45, Chip Scheide <4d_o...@pghrepository.org> wrote:
> as a bonus you can update the code in the method(s) you are injecting 
> as needs change (or bugs are found and fixed), by simply allowing the 
> injection method to overwrite the existing code.
> Chip
> On Mon, 11 Nov 2019 15:09:34 +0000, Jeremy Roussak wrote:
>> Chip, you read my mind - that is almost exactly what I implemented 
>> yesterday afternoon. It was really easy to do and it works a treat.
>> Jeremy
>>> On 11 Nov 2019, at 15:06, Chip Scheide <4d_o...@pghrepository.org> wrote:
>>> another option - depending on your view of doing this... is Code 
>>> injection.
>>> At startup of the host (will have to be started at least once 
>>> interpretedly)
>>> you copy the code for the event call method into a method in the host.
>>> it looks something like this (interpreted host and component):
>>> METHOD GET CODE(<method_to_inject>) 
>>> METHOD SET CODE(<Source_code>;<Host_New_Method_Name>)
>>> Alternatively (compiled component and interpreted host):
>>> - At component shut down, write the method(s) to be injected to disk as 
>>> text (I use the resources folder)
>>> - at host or component startup read the text files
>>> METHOD SET CODE(<code_from_text_file>;<Host_New_Method_Name>)
>>> Chip
>>> On Sun, 10 Nov 2019 18:07:01 +0000, Jeremy Roussak via 4D_Tech wrote:
>>>> I’d like to have a method set by ON EVENT CALL to live in a 
>>>> component. It works, in that the method is called on each event, but 
>>>> the system variables Modifiers and KeyCode are undefined so testing 
>>>> for the event itself is tricky.
>>>> I can get round the absence of Modifiers by using Macintosh control 
>>>> down, but I’m not sure how I get the keystroke that triggered the 
>>>> event.
>>>> Is it possible?
>>>> Jeremy
> We have done so much, with so little, for so long;
> We are now qualified to anything with nothing <sigh>
>  - unknown

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