Hi All,

So it appears that my client (in Michigan) and I (in Seattle) with running the 
current versions of Windows 10 Pro and 4D v17.2 64-bit are the only developers 
experiencing this issue?

4D Tech Support do you have any ideas? Suggestions? Seen the issue?

I looked at 4D v17.3 64-bit but there were mention of fixed issues in that 
version so I couldn’t check to see.

Really need help to know how to fix this.


> Hi All,
> We are running 4D v17.2 64-bit on Windows 10 pro and we have noticed that…
> PRINT SETTINGS is Not setting OK to 1
> And thus code and pronging is not happening.
> I’m not sure if it’s everywhere or just in the single method?
> Nothing fancy about the code:
> QUERY([Reports];[Reports]Rep Set ID_fk=aiSetIndex{asRptName})
> If (OK=1)
>       ThermoTitle:="Running "+String(Records in selection([Reports]))+" Auto 
> Report(s)…"
> The Windows Printer no matter which choice of physical printer or PDF it 
> always returns zero.
> I searched the NUG archive and this was a problem many years ago. Anyone else 
> seeing it?
> A fix?
> Thanks,
> John…

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