Ditto what Tim said. His description of the process is comprehensive and 
realistic. I had about 120 methods and forms to re-write. Took 3 months, but 
hasn’t been deployed due to a constraint on testing resources. Some level of 
support for Automated Testing in 4D would be nice in a case like this.

Tom Benedict

> On Feb 5, 2020, at 08:07, Tim Nevels via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> On Feb 5, 2020, at 8:42 AM, Peter Jakobsson wrote:
>> I’m going to be making the leap from v15 to v18. I think the biggest 
>> transition will be moving to 4D Write Pro as I have quite a lot of legacy 4D 
>> Write code to deal with.
>> In the meantime, does anybody have experience of migrating big 4D Write 
>> codebases ? What are the major gotchas ?
> Warning: You may not going like what I have to say below. You are late to the 
> game and a direct v15 to v18 upgrade may be very challenging. This is a long 
> post for everyone that is going to move to v18+ some day and is currently 
> using the 4D Write Plugin.
> I’ve done a big code rewrite from 4D Write Plugin to 4D Write Pro in v17. 
> There are many gotchas. 
> You will need to throw away all of your 4D Write Plugin code and start over, 
> from scratch to do duplicate the functionality using 4D Write Pro code. There 
> is no one-to-one, command-to-command mapping between the two. Some things in 
> 4D Write Plugin code that take 10 lines of code now take 2 lines in 4D Write 
> Pro. Some things you can’t do at all, and don’t want to or need to do. In 
> some cases you have to use styled text commands to do operations on 4D Write 
> Pro areas whereas with 4D Write Plugin there was a plugin command. 
> 4D Write Pro is based on an object field and an object variable. Some things 
> are done by manipulating properties of that object. You will spend a lot of 
> time tracking down what those property names are and how to set and change 
> them to accomplish what you did with 4D Write Plugin commands. The 
> documentation for 4D Write Pro is divided between 4D Write Pro commands — 
> which there are very few compared to 4D Write Plugin’s many commands — and 
> object property manipulation and styled text commands. Some native 4D object 
> commands also work and are needed to make changes to 4D Write Pro objects and 
> areas. 
> You also manipulate 4D Write Pro object areas using “standard actions” that 
> can be assigned to a form button or UI element. You also sometimes need to 
> invoke one of these actions to accomplish what you need that in 4D Write 
> Plugin you did with a 4D Write command. You use the INVOKE ACTION command for 
> that. It’s a new way of doing things that takes some getting used to. Read 
> the docs. Then read them again so you get a sense in your mind of what you 
> must do with standard actions and the INVOKE ACTION command. 
> https://doc.4d.com/4Dv17/4D/17/Using-4D-Write-Pro-standard-actions.200-3726284.en.html
> 4D Write Pro implements probably 95% of the 4D Write Plugin features and 
> capabilities. Might be 99%, but it is not 100%. Maybe you will not miss the 
> 5%, maybe you will. You’ll find out when you get into the complete rewrite of 
> your code. No, I don’t have a complete list of the missing 5%. For my project 
> I lost 2-3 small features that I was able to live with. Convenience things 
> for the user interface and to help users that were not a big deal. 
> It took me two full 8 hour days of 4D Write Pro immersion to get my head 
> around how it works when compared to how 4D Write Plugin works. Maybe you 
> only have 50 lines of 4D Write Plugin code that you need to convert. Then you 
> have maybe a day or two of work and you are done. If you have 200+ lines of 
> 4D Write Plugin code spread over 50+ project methods and form object methods, 
> it’s gonna be a multi-day project. You have to factor in retesting 
> EVERYTHING. That adds the most time to the rewrite. Testing EVERYTHING again. 
>> Will legacy 4D Write work in v18 in the meantime or do we need to migrate to 
>> 4D Write Pro to even run it ? (When I try it it invokes license privilege 
>> errors everywhere).
> 4D Write Plugin is 32bit only. v18 is 64bit only. So zero 4D Write Plugin 
> code will run. You can keep the 4D Write Plugin around after the v18 
> conversion so you can still read the 4D Write Plugin code, but none of it 
> will execute. It’s 32bit and 4D v18 is 100% 64bit. 
>> Many thanks for any tips
> My advice is to not move from v15 to v18. Instead, move from v15 to v17 
> first. 4D Write Plugin still works just fine in v17 32bit. And it can coexist 
> with 4D Write Pro. Same license works for both. So you can fork your code and 
> keep all the current 4D Write Plugin code and form areas working just as they 
> are. Users can continue to use them with the 32bit client. 
> 4D Write Pro also works just fine with 4D v17 32bit. So you can run 4D v17 
> 32bit and do all the testing and coding for 4D Write Pro. You can also run 
> the 4D Write Plugin code in 4D v17 32bit. So you can test the current 4D 
> Write Plugin code against the new 4D Write Pro code. That’s how I did all my 
> conversion work. 
> You will also need to convert all the 4D Write BLOB fields to an object field 
> for 4D Write Pro. If you are storing 4D Write areas in a table in a BLOB 
> field, create a new object field to store the 4D Write Pro area. To convert 
> 4D Write BLOB field to 4D Write Pro object field use code like this:
> [LetterTemplates]LetterPro:=WP New([LetterTemplates]Letter_)
> Put that in the trigger of the table and any changes you make to the 4D Write 
> Plugin field will immediately get converted and saved to the 4D Write Pro 
> field. That lets 4D Write Plugin and 4D Write Pro coexist during the 
> conversion process. (There is no way to convert 4D Write Pro object back to 
> 4D Write Plugin BLOB.)
> I used an IP variable that I could turn on and off to set whether to use 4D 
> Write Plugin or 4D Write Pro. Methods can check this IP variable and then 
> branch to use 4D Write Plugin code or new 4D Write Pro code. Use this with 4D 
> 32bit. Check if 4D is 64bit, if so you set the IP variable to only allow 4D 
> Write Pro code to run. 
> When we move to v18 later this year, I will remove the 4D Write Plugin and 
> then attempt to compile. All the 4D Write Plugin code will immediately appear 
> everywhere as errors. I can then move method-by-method, form object-by-form 
> object to strip out the code. I’ve already got in place 4D Write Pro code 
> that accomplishes the same work — controlled by the IP variable — so as I 
> remove the 4D Write Plugin code and delete the 4D Write Plugin methods I can 
> remove the branching control code as it will no longer be needed. That’s my 
> plan. 
> One last thing to consider. 4D Write Plugin was all done in "72dpi macOS" 
> resolution. 4D Write Pro areas have the option of running in "96dpi Windows 
> or Web” resolution. There is also “automatic”. Running in 72dpi makes it look 
> the same on macOS and Windows. But if you want higher quality, switch to 
> 96dpi, but then everything in the area is smaller. So you may want to deal 
> with that. I took the easy route and set it to 72dpi so that it all works the 
> same as before and on macOS and Windows. 
> Final tip, read ALL the 4D Write Pro docs. Read every word of every section. 
> You will be glad you did. This will give you a sense of what you can do with 
> 4D Write Pro and how to do it.
> https://doc.4d.com/4Dv17/4D/17/4D-Write-Pro-Reference.100-3726274.en.html
> Good luck on your conversion. 
> Tim
> *****************************************
> Tim Nevels
> Innovative Solutions
> 785-749-3444
> timnev...@mac.com

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