
 "My understanding of a worker is a process that can (potentially) run on
different core or processor - what means, communicating with other
processes with messages only, limited ability to share data, no
interprocess variables, no GET / SET PROCESS VARIABLE and no UI.”
I don’t see anything that indicates that the means by which a process is
created impacts whether or not that process runs preemptively. Most UI
commands are not preemptive.

"However, thinking about it, as user process is a worker, and it should be
able to display UI, collaborative workers may be able to display UI.”
Process 1 will display UI in V18, compiled.

"But all 4D examples of worker's code use CALL FORM to display UI, so I
would not try to display UI from a worker."
Call form is a means of communicating with a form. It doesn’t tie back to
how a process is invoked.

 The fact that a given command can be used to create a preemptive process
doesn’t mean that it can’t be used to launch a process that supports a user
interface. The New process command can also run code in a preemptive

Douglas von Roeder

On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 12:30 PM Peter Bozek <> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 8:01 PM Douglas von Roeder <>
> wrote:
>> Peter:
>> "Worker cannot display anything.”
>> Why do you say that?
> My understanding of a worker is a process that can (potentially) run on
> different core or processor - what means, communicating with other
> processes with messages only, limited ability to share data, no
> interprocess variables, no GET / SET PROCESS VARIABLE and no UI.
> However, thinking about it, as user process is a worker, and it should be
> able to display UI, collaborative workers may be able to display UI. But
> all 4D examples of worker's code use CALL FORM to display UI, so I would
> not try to display UI from a worker.
> Peter Bozek
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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