Just curious, what’s the objective of ‘integrating’ a 4D app with zoom? what 
would one get that is not possible with a screen share? or that is more 
powerful than simply copy/paste a zoom link?

I just don’t get it...

> On Apr 6, 2020, at 08:09, Rob Laveaux via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
>> On 6 Apr 2020, at 12:19, b nonymus via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
>> Nobody who has an idea how to integrate a 4D (V15) application with the
>> Zoom Video Conferencing platform (setup a conference, join in meetings). Or
>> didn’t I make my point clear? Any clue would be helpful...
> Hi Marius,
> I have not done this. But Zoom offers a REST API which is described here:
> https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api
> The API doesn’t look to difficult. On the 4D side it is mostly a matter of 
> using the command “ HTTP Request”.
> First step is to register your application at Zoom, in order to get a Client 
> ID and Client Secret.
> Second step is to setup the OAuth 2.0 part so that you can get an 
> authorization, refresh and access token. The access token, must then be 
> included as a HTTP header in subsequent requests.
> Next steps are to implement the Create Meeting and Add Meeting Registrant 
> endpoints. When you create a meeting or add a registrant, it will return a 
> “join URL”. Keep this URL in your database. You can use it with OPEN URL or 
> WebArea to joing the meeting.
> There might be other end points you want to use, but these ones cover the 
> basics.
> HTH,
> - Rob Laveaux
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Pluggers Software
> Scholekstersingel 48
> 2496 MP  Den Haag
> The Netherlands
> Email: rob.lave...@pluggers.nl
> Website: http://www.pluggers.nl
> --------------------------------------------------------
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