first off, I don't have any answers to your questions.

but if I may throw some ideas:

> I have an application I'm trying to convert from 4D v17R6 to v18.1LTS. It is 
> hosted on Windows Server 2016. It was a well-behaved application when running 
> v17R6 with no notable issues. However, now that it has been upgraded and 
> running on v18.1 LTS, it takes 10-15 minutes for the application to start-up 
> in 4D Server. Specifically, from the moment that the database is selected 
> from the Open... menu item until the Server Administration Window appears is 
> between 10 and 15 minutes.

is it possible that the application, for whatever reason, needs to copy all 
your database files to a virtual store?


also, windows server by default has a conservative power plan, which prevents 
4D Server from drawing on its full potential.

of course, that does not explain why 17 R6 is doing just fine.


> The same application opens pretty much instantly when running in single-user 
> mode on my development machine (Windows 10 Pro). So the only difference is 
> host application (4D Server) and OS.

what about the hardware?
more specifically, do you know if the storage is HD or SSD?

> I would rule out the OS being an issue since the same application ran fine on 
> the same host machine and opened with no delay just prior to the upgrade from 
> v17R6 to v18.1LTS.

have you tried to launch 4D Server on your dev. machine, Windows 10 Pro,
to see if the correlation is really linked to the application type?

and just to rule out that the issue is not application specific,
you might want to compare the time with a fresh 4DB.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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