> On Apr 10, 2020, at 1:09 PM, Aparajita Fishman via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> The documentation clearly says 32000 is the default maximum to read if you 
> **DON’T** specify the maximum. So I have to agree with Rob — what exactly is 
> the problem? Is it really so difficult to type a few more characters to 
> override the default?

You can specify a larger maximum but it doesn't work.

Also, the documentation also says 32000 is the maximum size of a text variable, 
which is wrong.

> Have any of you actually thought about what would happen if the default were 
> much larger? Do you think it should default to the maximum size of a modern 
> text variable, 2GB? Let’s say you have multiple listening processes receiving 
> data. An attacker sends 2GB+ multiple times simultaneously. Your server is 
> now dead, because all of the physical memory has been exhausted.

Overreact much?  Yesterday I needed 32023 bytes.  Fixed it, moved on, posted a 
light-hearted comment to this thread that maybe something got overlooked.

> NTK is awesome, keep up the great work, Rob!

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