
Are there ways to decode a Kerberos ticket using 4D?

Background: We have to implement a SSO login mechanism for web users using 
Kerberos authentication.
The authorization within a web server (IIS) in front of the 4D server works so 
far. We get a http request containing a header line “Authorization: Negotiate 
After the Negotiate keyword the Kerberos ticket is following. 
The question is now, how to decode this ticket to get information about the 
logged in user, e.g. the username or groups the user belongs to.

Or is this a complete wrong approach? Should we use an extension of the IIS 
instead, which provides the wanted information in http header lines too?
The question is then, which extension?

This is with 4D Server v17.4 on Windows Server 2012 or 2016.


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