Ah, a bit more complex as it is a callback method called from a 
plugin/component. I guess QPix?

Are you sure the event constants are the correct ones?

: ($event=imageSaved)
: ($event=resolution) 
: ($event=pixelFormat) 

I've never used this plugin, but in the online manual I found qpx_AcqImgeSaved, 
qpx_AcqSetupResolution as event kind param constants.

You might be checking invalid events where the eventInfoParam is not the 
expected value.


> Op 2 jun. 2020, om 11:08 heeft nisshaa2004 via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> het volgende geschreven:
> Thanks Koen for the reply
>       $err:=QPx_AcqRunSession
> ($protocol;$deviceName;$options;"IMG_ACQ_LAB_SESSION_HANDLER")
> IMG_ACQ_LAB_SESSION_HANDLER // This is the method that has the error
> QPx_AcqRunSession this method takes in the following parameters.
> Input parameter       acqProtocol     LONGINT Acquisition protocol ID
> Input parameter       deviceName      TEXT    Device name
> Input parameter       sessionOptions  LONGINT Acquisition options
> Input parameter       eventHandler    TEXT    Event handler method name
> IMG_ACQ_LAB_SESSION_HANDLER // This is the Event handler method name
> Thanks & Regards,
> Nisha
> --
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