
On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 1:08 AM Keith Culotta <>

> This was written for v6 a while back.  The app is still being used believe
> it or not.
> =====================================
>   // METHOD: DtoS - Dollar to String - kc 3/1/00
>   // INPUT: real - dollar to convert to string
>   // was -> $0:=String($1;"$###,###,###,##0.00")
> String(200;$0)
> _O_C_INTEGER($i;$sec)
> C_REAL($partVal)
> _O_ARRAY STRING(12;mag1;20)  //  this should be be declared elsewhere
> _O_ARRAY STRING(12;mag2;8)
> _O_ARRAY STRING(12;mag3;4)
> mag1{0}:=""
> mag1{1}:=" One"
> mag1{2}:=" Two"
> mag1{3}:=" Three"
> mag1{4}:=" Four"
> mag1{5}:=" Five"
> mag1{6}:=" Six"
> mag1{7}:=" Seven"
> mag1{8}:=" Eight"
> mag1{9}:=" Nine"
> mag1{10}:=" Ten"
> mag1{11}:=" Eleven"
> mag1{12}:=" Twelve"
> mag1{13}:=" Thirteen"
> mag1{14}:=" Fourteen"
> mag1{15}:=" Fifteen"
> mag1{16}:=" Sixteen"
> mag1{17}:=" Seventeen"
> mag1{18}:=" Eighteen"
> mag1{19}:=" Nineteen"
> mag2{1}:=" Twenty"
> mag2{2}:=" Thirty"
> mag2{3}:=" Forty"
> mag2{4}:=" Fifty"
> mag2{5}:=" Sixty"
> mag2{6}:=" Seventy"
> mag2{7}:=" Eighty"
> mag2{8}:=" Ninety"
> mag3{1}:=" "
> mag3{2}:=" Thousand"
> mag3{3}:=" Million"
> mag3{4}:=" Billion"
> $theNum:=$1  //  Num(Request("a Number"))
> $Target:=String(Trunc($theNum;0))
> $TLength:=Length($Target)
> $sec:=1
> $theOutput:=""
> While (Length($Target)>0)
>         $partVal:=Num(Substring($target;Length($target)-3+1;3);$sec)
>         If ($partVal=0)
>                 $theOutput:=" "+$theOutput
>         Else
>                 $theOutput:=DtoS_Get3
> (Substring($target;Length($target)-3+1;3);$sec)+mag3{$sec}+$theOutput
>         End if
>         $target:=Substring($Target;1;Length($target)-3)
>         $sec:=$sec+1
> End while
> $cents:=String(Round(Round($theNum;2)-Trunc($theNum;0);2);"#.00")
> $cents:=Substring($cents;2;2)
> $theOutput:=$theOutput+"Dollars and "+$cents+"/100"
> $theOutput:=Replace string($theOutput;"  ";" ")  // extra spaces may
> appear for "000"
> $0:=Replace string($theOutput;"  ";" ")
> =====================================
>   // METHOD: DtoS_Get3 - return words for a 3 digit section xxx,XXX,xxx
>   // INPUT1: string - 0..999
>   // INPUT2: integer - what 3 digit section are we in ...3,2,1
> _O_C_STRING(3;$1)
> _O_C_STRING(200;$0)
> _O_C_INTEGER($numValueR2;$numValueR1;$numValueM2;$2)
> While (Length($1)<3)
>         $1:="0"+$1
> End while
> $numValueR2:=Num(Substring($1;2;2))
> $numValueR1:=Num(Substring($1;3;1))
> $numValueM2:=Num(Substring($1;2;1))
> $numValueL1:=Num(Substring($1;1;1))
> If ($numValueR2<20)  //  handle the rightmost 2 digits
>         $0:=mag1{$numValueR2}
> Else
>         $0:=mag2{$numValueM2-1}+mag1{$numValueR1}
> End if
> If ($numValueL1>0)
>         $0:=mag1{$numValueL1}+" Hundred"+$0
> End if
> Keith - CDI
> > On Jun 16, 2020, at 4:48 AM, David Adams via 4D_Tech <
>> wrote:
> >
> > I'm looking for code that converts something like this:
> >
> > 24120.10 into something like this:
> >
> > twenty-four thousand, one hundred and twenty point one
> >
> > The hope is to emulate Python's num2words.
> >
> > I figure anyone who had to write a check printing feature years ago might
> > have something along these lines, and may be willing to share. I'm not
> > trying to print checks, that's just an example.
> >
> > Definitely after native code, hoping to avoid a PHP call.
> >
> > For reference, Dani Beaubien sent me a link to an old post from Garri
> Ogata
> > with something like the code I'm asking about:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I also found what looks like a version of that code here:
> >
> >
> >
> > This version has a bunch of extra ) characters, but runs once you fix
> them.
> > However, this code does *not* include decimals. I'd like to keep the
> > decimals part.
> >
> > Thanks for any help.
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